Friday, March 20, 2020

A Week Later - Quarantine

I hadn't thought about writing anything about this, since I'm not a professional or anything. The Corona virus is upon us, and as of this writing we are on our 6th day of quarantine. We're locked up at home, with only grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations available to us. It's a weird and tense time, so say the least. On top of that I just had my second root canal procedure in a month, and the left side of my face feels like it was hit by a truck.

Speaking of trucks, with exception of yesterday and today I've been out with the truck every day this week. I've gotten to the point where I'll take any weather except rain. But it's been great. Since we're staying home, we've got the backyard to play in, and my wife is cool with me building an RC course, as long as it isn't an eyesore.
So I've been working on some ideas. I've gathered scraps, strips, rocks, branches, bricks, stones...just about everything you can think of, and have started playing build-it. At first I made a small brick practice bump. That grew into a larger, more challenging surface. Then it got taller, and longer. It's looking pretty majestic.
I've been working out a lap of the circuit. I'm trying to keep it mostly out of the way of regular traffic, but still able to be seen. The lap works its way around the perimeter of the backyard, going around and through the back of things. Under the trampoline. Through the planter and right up against the neighbors fence. All-in-all a good few minutes run for a beginner. My plan is to keep it easy yet challenging, so anybody could come over, grab the controller and go. As I get better, I'll make tougher challenges.

What about the virus?

Well, thankfully RC car driving is one of those things you can do alone, in your yard, or even in an enclosed area. In a time like this, where people are being forced to stay home and have no experience how to do it, it's an absolute plus to have plenty of hobbies and things to do. It doesn't have to be RC cars, either. I'm just lucky to have one.
My family is here, my wife getting slowly used to the situation and accepting the predicament. My 3 year-old not knowing what's going on except lots of playing and mama and dada are both home all day. And the 18 year-old being terminally bored, so basically nothing new there.

I just thought of something, I haven't taken any pictures of what I've been doing lately. I took some video, and have been slowly assembling it, and we're going to have a nice couple days coming up. So maybe I'll set up a massive 3-camera shoot and see if we can get some quality action footage.

I've also decided that I'm going to turn my table back into a slot car table full time. The RC car can go practically anywhere, but the slot cars need to be on that table to operate. And if they're not up there, they're not operating. So I'll be taking a lot of the scrap wood I used to build my indoor course outside for the backyard course. If figure if I make that course look good, and not look like a bunch of scrap wood...spruce it up a little...maybe my wife will be okay with me leaving it up.

Truck's running great, by the way. No complaints. I noticed that Axial is just announcing the SCX10 III, which kind of explains why mine had a sale price. That's cool.

So if you have the stuff laying around that you always wanted to get out and play with, build, run or construct, now's the time. Don't just sit around on the internet stressing out. Make a puzzle. Paint a picture. Learn to cook. Climb with your RC car. Whatever will help you get through it.

But stay home. Be safe.

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