Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Lipo Cutoff for Axial SCX10 2

I had been a bit skittish waiting for the lipo cutoff to switch on on the Blazer. The first time I didn't wait for it to kick on, chickened-out and recharged it, but this time it happened. It kicked in as I was driving it this afternoon. This was the end of the 2nd complete battery charge since I bought the truck.
What happened was the truck started running at what felt like half power. I noticed it right away, gave a couple of throttle punches, then took it inside and charged the battery. I figured it would take about an hour and fifteen minutes to fully charge, and I was almost exactly right.

The truck also has acquired a name, coming from my 3 year-old. "Dadacar." So there you go. She loves it, by the way. She likes me to chase her around the backyard with it, and it's the perfect kind of thing to do that. Not too fast, not too spry. Tough enough for a kid to handle [within reason].

Here's Dadacar, ripping a mean line over the bricks.
It's also weird the things you'll get used to. It's been raining a lot, and I've been getting out whenever it hasn't been raining, which means lots of pretty wet conditions. Mostly surface stuff, but there's some mud, too. The truck surprisingly doesn't kick up that much mud into or on itself. I'm a bit surprised by that. The Pro Line tires G8 tires don't pick up that much mud either.

I've been looking at shocks, and it looks like I could outfit the truck with a pretty decent set for around 50 bucks or so. I think I want to get good ones, and not just mediocre replacements that aren't any better than the stock shocks. A nice set of aluminum shocks that won't leak.

No other breakages or weird anomalies to report. Dadacar has been running great.

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